Beautiful female acapella by Betsabé
June 5th, 2012 by Lior is all about showcasing beautiful girly things and that also includes beautiful things made by girls. Today I discovered the music of 18 year old female vocalist, Betsabé which certainly falls into the latter category!
I thought her a capella rendition of The Parting Glass was ethereal, as others have said, like hearing the voice of an angel. You can have a listen below:
Betsabé, we wish you lots of luck with your musical ventures! xo
Posted on June 5th, 2012 @ 13:22 | Ana said:
Awesome! Thanks for sharing!
Posted on June 5th, 2012 @ 23:48 | silvia pachalian said:
Betsabe, te felicito, tenes una amplia vision para hacer diferentes cosas, variedad, estilo, profesionalismo…segui adelante, me queda la duda si es obra tuya o de tu mama. Para cualquiera de las dos. FELICITACIONES!!!
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