Vintage Style Photography by Mandy Lynne
June 9th, 2012 by Lior
As I was browsing through I discovered the beautiful vintage style photography of Mandy Lynne and I thought it was so pretty and girly that I just had to share it with you!
I suspect that those who love using instagram and who generally like a girly vintage, 1950s/ 60s look will like these photos too!
Stylish Flower Paintings by Pamela Gladding
June 9th, 2012 by Lior
Every day I enjoy finding a new talented individual who creates beautiful things. Today, I discovered the artist Pamela Gladding who creates stylish flower paintings amongst other beautiful paintings.
Here is a selection of my favorite floral paintings by her:
Macro Photography by Sharon Johnstone
June 6th, 2012 by Lior
Today I discovered the beautiful macro nature photography work of Sharon Johnstone.
I love how she captures the brilliant colors of nature, the beauty of light on water droplets and how she achieves it all with a touch of feminine softness.
Here is a selection of some of my favorite pieces of her marco photography:
Dreamy Blue Nature Photography

Floral Animal Silhouettes
June 3rd, 2012 by Lior
Today I discovered the beautiful work of artist Jane Purcell who specializes in floral animal silhouettes and other pretty floral designs. Jane even does personalized custom pet silhouette floral prints, which I thought was a fantastically original and thoughtful gift idea!
Jane’s pet silhouette floral prints
Floral dog silhouettes:

Bird Family Art
May 31st, 2012 by Lior
A couple of days ago I featured an article on love bird pictures by Yiqi. Following the writing of that article and after seeing all that beautiful artwork, I felt truly inspired! Creative juices flowing, I decided to try and make a bird family picture!

I created this Bird Family art collage from gift wrapping paper, tissue paper and paper doilies. It is my first ever collage! I had lots of fun making it! ^_^ (more…)
Magical flowers Photography
May 28th, 2012 by Lior

Today I discovered the talented Serbian photographer, Dragana Knezevic who produces photos of the most beautiful, glittering, magical flowers and I wanted to share of some her beautiful work with you!

Design your own bedding!
May 12th, 2012 by Lior

I’ve been a member of the website, Cafepress, for a couple of months now. Cafepress is a great website that enables anyone to become a designer for a *huge* range of products, from t-shirts to jewelry, and from iphone covers to car license plates!
Today I signed into my account after being away from it for a couple of weeks and I discovered that they’ve expanded their already broad product range to include an opportunity to design your own bedding! For someone like me who has enjoyed designing things from a very young age (I remember begging my parents to take me to places where they let you decorate your own plates and mugs as soon as I could talk!), the prospect of being able to make your own bedding filled me with excitement!
After a couple hours of playing around with designs, I created these, my very own duvet cover designs and pillowcases: (more…)
Getting into a bubble!
May 10th, 2012 by Julia

Have you ever heard of RedBubble? I discovered it about one year ago, when I first opened my Zazzle store. I had a quicky look at the site, and I thought “that’s not for me”.
However, today I changed my point of view.
I don’t remember if RedBubble were already creating iPhone cases when I first checked their site, but after I had a closer look at their cases, I totally fell in love! I decided then, to give a try at their marketplace and added a few of my designs to it: