Sandwich cutters & Cute sandwiches
May 19th, 2012 by Lior

Image credit: elisaself
Yes, even sandwiches can be cute!
You may have seen pictures of the amazing bento box art that some Japanese mothers make for their kids to take to school. But cute sandwiches don’t just have to be for kids! In fact, tiny adorable sandwiches have been part of the time-old English tradition of Afternoon High Tea for many years.
Why not get some sandwich cutters of various shapes to make your next picnic or garden tea party a little more fun and interesting?
You can get a bunch of cute sandwich cutters in various shops. Here are some of my favorites from (more…)
Got a Secret, Can you Keep it?
May 17th, 2012 by Julia

Hello girls,
This is my small review on a tv series that I love. If you have seen the topic image you know I am going to talk about Pretty Little Liars. I have always been a huge fan of tv series and after listening very good comments about PPL I decided to give it a try.
Sunny days and Picnic!
May 9th, 2012 by Julia

Hello Girly Girls !
Today I got inspired by one of my favorite singers to write this article. When I first listened to Colbie Caillat it was like if the room I was had suddenly been transported to a house near the beach. Her music style makes me think of nice sunny days, where the sun light gives everything a happier color like a dreamy picture.
I remember to listen to her song “Dream Life life” and wonder the same: “Dear summer will you find your way back home? I miss your golden kiss, how you warm my skin. Where did you go?” Well, after all these cold months and grey sky, our dear friend Mr. Sun has finally come back bringing the wish to spend most of the time outdoors.