Colour Changing Umbrella designs
April 20th, 2016 by Lior
I recently discovered that there’s such a thing as colour changing umbrellas available. They’re umbrellas that change colour when they get wet and then as they dry! When I discovered that I thought it was an incredible cool idea!
Here are a few of my favourites that I spotted when searching to see what magic umbrella options were available on (you can click on the pictures to get to the relevant page on Amazon):
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Floral themed colour changing umbrellas
“Ladies Flower And Tree Design Colour Changing Folding Umbrella”
Forever Friends Mugs
September 30th, 2015 by Lior

Having grown up in the UK, when I was in my school days a cartoon character brand that was very popular was “Forever Friends”. If you’ve never heard of this brand, it’s basically really cute drawings of cuddly-looking teddy bears, and back in the 90s, a lot of girls adored these lovable characters.

Amazon: Now also selling theatre tickets!
April 27th, 2015 by Lior
2017 Update: Seems amazon local has closed down now and Amazon Tickets is currently working in its place. But for posterity, I shall leave below the now out-of-date article that was applicable in 2015.
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Today I received an email from Amazon letting me know that they have an “Amazon Local” service that previous I had not heard about. I had a look at to check out exactly what it is, and turns out that Amazon has branched out yet again (past expansions including the invention of the Kindle, and the introduction of Amazon Prime’s video-streaming programme); expanding beyond selling books, food, clothing, electronics and other products, to also selling tickets for theatre shows, sporting events, festivals, concerts, restaurant / hotel deals, courses for learning different skills, therapeutic treatments (from massage to pedicures and reflexology) and other “experience days”! (more…)
Tinkerbell iphone cases
February 1st, 2014 by Lior

If you’re a fan of fairies and of Disney’s beautiful Tinkerbell from Peter Pan, maybe you’ll like to accessorize your iphone with a Tinkerbell iphone case.
There is a wide range of Tinkerbell iphone cases out there in different colors and styles, from soft and girly, to elegant and sophisticated, and to funky and bold. Below you’ll find a collection of some of the prettiest Tinkerbell iphone covers out there. The collection is gathered from the official Disney shop on Zazzle as well as from To view any of these iphones in more detail, click on the picture that you like, and it will take you to either the Zazzle page or the Amazon page of the corresponding iphone case.
This article has organized the iphone cases by iphone 5 cases (first half of the article) and iphone 4 cases (second half). (more…)
Dog Jumpers
January 31st, 2014 by Lior
Every year as the weather starts to cool in autumn and winter, it can be a good idea to get the dog jumpers out of the closet for your walks with your pet.
If you’re in the UK and are looking to buy new dog jumpers for your pooch, a good place to find them is on and also on and
This article has picked out some of the cutest dog jumpers out there and arranged them for you for easy browsing by colour and type.
Red Dog Jumpers
Funny Pacifiers
April 4th, 2013 by Lior
Pacifiers are a really useful baby product but they don’t just need to be functional – they can also be fun! There are a lot of creative people out there who have come up with some quirky and funny pacifier design ideas which I will be presenting to you in this article. (more…)
Eyeglasses holders
March 31st, 2013 by Lior
Today I was checking my Amazon associates account to see what affiliate sales had gathered over there, and I saw that one of the items someone had bought was a set of very quirky and funny eye glasses holders. These ones to be precise:
Christmas Stamps
November 5th, 2012 by Lior

Image by aedesigns
It’s never too early to start planning for Christmas! And one great thing to have ready at your fingertips is some cute Christmas stamps, all ready for you to stick on your Christmas card envelopes!
Did you know that one good place to find unique, girly and cute holiday stamps is on They make stamps that only work in the USA, so if you live in the States you should definitely check it out! One thing is that there are a LOT of stamp designs on there and you sometimes do need to dig around a bit to find the cutest ones. To help out a bit, I’ve been searching through their Christmas stamps and have put together this collection of cute and pretty xmas stamps. I hope you enjoy browsing through these as much as I did when I was finding them! ^_^
Cute Gingerbread man Christmas stamps
Tribal iphone case
November 4th, 2012 by Lior

In the past year, tribal designs (sometimes called after particular tribal peoples such as “aztec patterns”) have gained in popularity, making themselves seen in many clothing stores and finding their way onto various products on high streets around the world.
These attractive geometric patterns can also be found decorating iphone cases and this article will present some of the most enchanting tribal iphone case designs available.
I have searched through the wonderful site Zazzle to find the tribal and aztec iphone cases shown below and most are iphone 5 cases. If you’re looking for another model case, click on the image you like and use the search bar to find that design for the model you are looking for.
Warm hues tribal iphone cases
This includes tribal iphone case designs that predominantly use the red, orange, yellow and brown color schemes.
Elephant iphone case
November 4th, 2012 by Lior

Image above by ButtermilkBiscuits
and can be purchased on various
products by clicking on it.
For me elephants have always symbolized a gentle, slow and steady, wise animal. If this is how a lot of people perceive them, perhaps it’s not surprising that quite a lot of people love elephants and elephant products. If this sounds like you, you might be interested in the girly elephant iphone case designs showcased in this article. (more…)