His and Hers Love Pillowcases
May 28th, 2012 by Lior
Browsing online today, I came across these adorable His and Hers pillowcases by the company BoldLoft. They remind me a bit of the cute 1970s “Love is…” series by Kim Casali which I also love!

“You’re Irresistible” lovers pillows

“You’re so Beautiful to me” romantic pillows

“We Belong Together” romantic pillow cases

I would cross oceans for you!
“Link 2 Love” His & Hers Valentine Pillows

“Far in Distance Near at Heart”
cute love cartoon couples pillowcases

sweet love pillowcases for him & her

“Catch My Heart”
cute love pillows for couples

“All My Love for You” BoldLoft pillowcases

Couples pillows

Cute Valentines Day Pillows

Romantic Love Pillowcases

I thought that these romantic pillows would make a great gift for Valentine’s day or even just to celebrate your love for each other on any other day!
Posted on May 28th, 2012 @ 22:05 | Caro* said:
C’est juste adorable ! Trop mignon ;)