Folk Music for Children by Elizabeth Mitchell
July 7th, 2012 by Lior
Whilst listening to music on Spotify I came across the music of Elizabeth Mitchell and ever since then I’ve had her songs in my head!
Elizabeth sings cute folk songs for children in a beautiful, sweet voice. Her music generally has a folksy, acoustic feel. I found her songs to be really uplifting and it’s so cute that she gets kids to sing along with some of her recorded songs! It really made me smile :)
I think these happy songs can be great for kids as well as for adults who enjoy reconnecting with the part of them that used to like kids songs when they were younger!
Here are some of my favorite songs that are sung my Elizabeth Mitchell:
Beautiful female acapella by Betsabé
June 5th, 2012 by Lior is all about showcasing beautiful girly things and that also includes beautiful things made by girls. Today I discovered the music of 18 year old female vocalist, Betsabé which certainly falls into the latter category!
I thought her a capella rendition of The Parting Glass was ethereal, as others have said, like hearing the voice of an angel. You can have a listen below:
Betsabé, we wish you lots of luck with your musical ventures! xo
What to wear to a festival
May 22nd, 2012 by Lior
Picture credit: russelljsmith
As summer approaches, musical festival season dawns. But what to wear to a festival? Typically music festivals are all about being casual, comfortable, fun and free. Here are a few ideas of girly festival fashions for you! (more…)
Pink Ukuleles & Pink Guitars
May 10th, 2012 by Lior

If like me, you have been a viewer and fan of the enchanting Charlie McDonnell and other musical youtubers, you may have found yourself landing up with one of these: