Great Natural Face Cleanser

May 28th, 2014 by

I’ve been watching a lot of Beauty Vlogs lately on youtube, and inspired by this, I thought it would be fun to share with you one of my favourite beauty products which I’ve been using for several years now. I’m going to talk about one of the best facial cleansers I’ve come across, which is this one:

best natural organic healthy skin care face facial cleanser

It’s by the company “Green People” and it’s called “Gentle Cleanse and Make-up remover”. (Link to this product on Now, I know it’s classed as a make-up remover as well as a cleanser, but I use it as a straight up cleanser, including on days when I don’t wear make-up (which for me is most days if I’m honest!), and I really do love it.

Why do I love it?

Beautiful Smell: First of all, it smells *amazing*. It’s florally sweet and feminine and just divine. It’s scented with Rose Geranium which I think is what gives it that classy smell that always makes me feel pampered.

It is gentle on the skin: I have quite sensitive skin, and Green People’s facial cleanser is really gentle, alcohol-free, and has never caused any irritation at all. Even my most sensitive area, the eyes, aren’t irritated by it. You can wipe it over your eyelids and it just feels cool and soothing.

It cleanses really well: The way I use it, I take a little round cotton wool pad, soak it in water, wring it out, and then put a small dab of the creamy cleanser on the pad, spreading it round, before applying it in circular movements to my face. Without going into too much detail to avoid gross TMI, you can literally *see* it does a good job by looking at the cotton wool after using it (it always amazes me!), and it leaves your skin feeling fresh, clean, smooth and soft. Since using it, I hardly ever get blemishes any more.

I like the natural ingredients:
As someone who has studied Naturopathy and Nutrition, I often look at the ingredient list of products and I’ve found that the ingredients list includes aloe vera, calendula, shea butter and jojoba which are all great natural ingredients for healthy skin. I also love that it’s free from SLS, parabens, propylene glycol, alcohol, harsh foaming agents, petrochemicals and other chemicals, and I like that it’s mostly made from organic ingredients. (The tube I have says that 91% of the contents are organic).

I like the texture: It’s creamy, silky and smooth, which I like.

It lasts a really long time: Which makes it good value for money. I think one 200ml bottle usually lasts me a good 6 months or so, if not longer.

It also works as a great make-up remover: Which isn’t that important for me since I don’t wear much make-up, but I know it will be a good bonus for other girls out there.

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So yeah! I highly recommend it if you’re looking for a healthy-option, “green”, (91%) organic, natural facial cleanser. If you’d like to read some other people’s opinions on it, you can check out the reviews on the product page that you can get to via this link. There are also quite a few reviews on the Green People website – here’s the link to that. I tried to see if you can get it on but couldn’t find it on there at the moment. It may pop up at some stage though, so here’s the link to for you just in case.

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