Spring flowers: flower field photos
April 3rd, 2013 by Lior
As April rolls round and it’s officially Spring, I thought I’d share this article with you of beautiful spring flower field photos!
There’s nothing quite like the sight of hundreds of thousands of beautiful colorful flowers swaying gently in the breeze on a warm summery day. Blue skies above, the sun shining merrily overhead and the beauty of nature all around…
This gallery of flower field photos and paintings aims to capture a little bit of that wonderful feeling whilst sitting right where you are! (more…)
Wall Decor: Vintage Letters and Flowers
June 13th, 2012 by Lior
Today I discovered the photographer Deborah Schenck who creates artistic compositions of sun-streamed scenes with vintage letters, stamps and flowers. I think it is the way the sunlight dances through these images together with the soft feminine colors and balanced compositions which I like so much about these images.
Here are some of my favorites:
Chipmunk photography & Chipmunk gifts
June 13th, 2012 by Lior

Julia and I are both members of the awesome print-on-demand website, Zazzle, where designers gather to share and sell their arty creations. Sometimes I like to browse through the site as a source of inspiration to see what other wonderful things other creatives are making. Quite early on in my time on Zazzle, I came across Meg Stewart’s photography work. Meg has a lot of beautiful photos but my favorites are her awesomely cute and cuddly chipmunk photography pieces. Or as she might call them, the photos of her “Furballs of Happiness”! :D
Here are some of my absolute favorite chipmunk photography images by Meg. They are all available on a wide array of products for all your chipmunk gifts needs. Click on the pictures to see what kind of products these photos can be found on. (more…)
Vintage Style Photography by Mandy Lynne
June 9th, 2012 by Lior
As I was browsing through art.com I discovered the beautiful vintage style photography of Mandy Lynne and I thought it was so pretty and girly that I just had to share it with you!
I suspect that those who love using instagram and who generally like a girly vintage, 1950s/ 60s look will like these photos too!
Macro Photography by Sharon Johnstone
June 6th, 2012 by Lior
Today I discovered the beautiful macro nature photography work of Sharon Johnstone.
I love how she captures the brilliant colors of nature, the beauty of light on water droplets and how she achieves it all with a touch of feminine softness.
Here is a selection of some of my favorite pieces of her marco photography:
Dreamy Blue Nature Photography

Magical flowers Photography
May 28th, 2012 by Lior

Today I discovered the talented Serbian photographer, Dragana Knezevic who produces photos of the most beautiful, glittering, magical flowers and I wanted to share of some her beautiful work with you!

May 26th, 2012 by Lior
For a long time now I’ve been meaning to upgrade from a point and shoot camera to a DSLR in my goals to learn to take more professional-looking photos with a larger variety of advanced settings and options to get creative with and play with.
I was researching which DSLR cameras received good reviews on Amazon.com and came across this: