His and Hers Love Pillowcases
May 28th, 2012 by Lior
Browsing online today, I came across these adorable His and Hers pillowcases by the company BoldLoft. They remind me a bit of the cute 1970s “Love is…” series by Kim Casali which I also love!

Design your own bedding!
May 12th, 2012 by Lior

I’ve been a member of the website, Cafepress, for a couple of months now. Cafepress is a great website that enables anyone to become a designer for a *huge* range of products, from t-shirts to jewelry, and from iphone covers to car license plates!
Today I signed into my account after being away from it for a couple of weeks and I discovered that they’ve expanded their already broad product range to include an opportunity to design your own bedding! For someone like me who has enjoyed designing things from a very young age (I remember begging my parents to take me to places where they let you decorate your own plates and mugs as soon as I could talk!), the prospect of being able to make your own bedding filled me with excitement!
After a couple hours of playing around with designs, I created these, my very own duvet cover designs and pillowcases: (more…)