Cool Jewel Pillows
June 25th, 2012 by Lior

I love cool concepts and I really have a thing for novelty gifts that look like other things. You know the type, iphones that look like cameras or 80s music cassette tapes, or clocks that look like giant floppy disks.

Over the past few days I’ve been thinking of designing something cool and unique myself and as I was lying in bed last night I came up with an idea: giant jewel pillows! (more…)
His and Hers Love Pillowcases
May 28th, 2012 by Lior
Browsing online today, I came across these adorable His and Hers pillowcases by the company BoldLoft. They remind me a bit of the cute 1970s “Love is…” series by Kim Casali which I also love!

Design your own bedding!
May 12th, 2012 by Lior

I’ve been a member of the website, Cafepress, for a couple of months now. Cafepress is a great website that enables anyone to become a designer for a *huge* range of products, from t-shirts to jewelry, and from iphone covers to car license plates!
Today I signed into my account after being away from it for a couple of weeks and I discovered that they’ve expanded their already broad product range to include an opportunity to design your own bedding! For someone like me who has enjoyed designing things from a very young age (I remember begging my parents to take me to places where they let you decorate your own plates and mugs as soon as I could talk!), the prospect of being able to make your own bedding filled me with excitement!
After a couple hours of playing around with designs, I created these, my very own duvet cover designs and pillowcases: (more…)