Cute Couples Keychains
July 15th, 2012 by Lior
As you’ll know if you’ve read my His and Hers Love Pillowcases article, I am a romantic at heart and can’t help but awwww at cute couples stuff! So today when I saw this adorable his and hers keychain, I thought I’d share my discovery with you! Check it out!

The little boy has a magnet on his lips so that when you put the two keychains together, his lips stick to the girl’s cheek! ^_^
Here are a few other romantic couples keychains I found:
Comics for Girls
July 6th, 2012 by Lior

From a young age, I was introduced to comic books by my mother who passed on this tradition from her own childhood. It occurs to me that when it comes to comic books for girls, some people may find it difficult to know where to start, so I thought I’d add my two cents worth into the mix! Here are some girly comic books I have read as a child, as a teenager and even as an adult which I would recommend for any girl wanting to dabble in comic bookery! ^_^ (more…)
Romantic Art: Love Bird Pictures
May 28th, 2012 by Lior
There’s just something about love bird pictures which really captivates me and brings out the girly romantic in me! So when I saw these colorful love bird silhouette paintings by Yiqi of QiQi Gallery, I immediately loved them!

His and Hers Love Pillowcases
May 28th, 2012 by Lior
Browsing online today, I came across these adorable His and Hers pillowcases by the company BoldLoft. They remind me a bit of the cute 1970s “Love is…” series by Kim Casali which I also love!